We encourage you to visit at one of our meetings or social events, to see for yourself why we are not just a club, but a community of friends with common interests, from varied walks of life. We’d love to meet you! You, too, can be a part of our community, and the best way to get there is by getting to know us through participation. We not only ski; we gather for Happy Hour/Dineouts, seasonal parties, and treks to interesting places not only around the globe, but near to home as well. Whether exploring the Canyon Lake Gorge, touring the San Antonio Water System facilities, riding bikes through our Linear Parks Trails System, or relaxing by a member’s pool, we always have a good time.
- Ski Buddies
- Having Fun on a Run!
- Dogsledding
- Machu Picchu
- Annual Pool Party
- Pyramids
- Pyramids in Egypt
- Camel Rides, Egypt
- Sippin’ on the Nile
- Galapagos, penguins!
- Hello!
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